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  • 2018年09月11日 23:55
  • 教师寄语
​教师寄语:Education is what remains after one has forgotten everythingonehaslearned in school.教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之后剩下的东西。 -- AlbertEinsteinThose were the days hard work forever pays!有付出的日子终有收获的时节!--《See You Again》《速度与激情7》片尾曲


Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school.

教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之后剩下的东西。 -- AlbertEinstein

Those were the days hard work forever pays!


--《See You Again》《速度与激情7》片尾曲

蹇木伟,二级教授、博士/博士后、博士生导师。山东临沂人、中国致公党党员。2014年于香港理工大学获博士学位,英国皇家学会牛顿国际学者基金会(Newton international Fellowship)王宽诚国际学者基金获得者(Royal Society – K. C. Wong International Fellow),入选山东省“泰山学者”工程青年专家等人才项目。研究成果获得山东省自然科学二等奖(次位)和「山东省人工智能科技奖」自然科学一等奖(首位)。

研究方向为计算机视觉与模式识别、多媒体计算、机器学习与认知科学等。在国际著名期刊《IJCV》、《IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics》、《IEEE Trans. on Multimedia》、《IEEE Trans. on CSVT》、《Pattern Recognition》及IEEE旗舰会议(Flagship)上发表SCI/EI检索论文百余篇。其中,以第一及通讯作者发表的国际期刊论文影响因子高于6.0(IF>6.0)的14篇、影响因子高于2.0(IF>2.0)的20余篇。两篇第一作者论文三次分别入选2016、2017、2018年以来国际期刊《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》的高被引文章。据Google Scholar统计,论文被引用次数1700余次,引用者包含中国工程院院士、多位IEEE/IAPR Fellow、国际期刊IEEE Trans.主编/副主编、长江学者、国家杰青等。

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金(一等资助)、山东省自然科学基金青年基金等研究课题10余项。受邀担任20余个国际知名期刊和多个国际顶级会议(IJCAI、AAAI、ACM MM等)评审人,曾任十余个主流国际会议的本地主席(Local Arrangement Chair)、专题主席(Special Session Chair)、宣传主席(Publicity Chair)和程序委员会委员(Technical Program Committee)等。曾任CCF-计算机视觉专委会专委简报编委(2018-2020),现任山东省人工智能学会常务理事、CCF-计算机视觉专委会、CCF-多媒体专委会和CCF-机器学习与模式识别专委会执行委员等。

目前担任中国人工智能学会青工委副秘书长、国际期刊《IET Computers & Digital Techniques》 和 《International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence》副编辑、《中国图象图形学报》青年编委等。

Muwei Jian received the PhD degree from the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in October 2014. He was an Assistance Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Ocean University of China, from 2015 to 2017. Currently, Dr. Jian is a Professor and Ph.D Supervisor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University of Finance and Economics. Dr. Jian has been awarded a member of the Royal Society – K. C. Wong International Fellow under Newton International Fellowship (NIF). Meanwhile, he is supported by the "Taishan Young Scholars Program" of Shandong Province.

His current research interests include human face recognition, image and video processing, machine learning and computer vision. Prof. Jian was actively involved in professional activities. Dr. Jian has also served as a reviewer for several international SCI-indexed journals, including IEEE Trans., Pattern Recognition, Information Sciences, Computers in Industry, Machine Vision and Applications, Machine Learning and Cybernetics, The Imaging Science Journal, and Multimedia Tools and Applications. Prof. Jian holds 3 granted national patents and has published over 80 papers in refereed international leading journals/conferences such as IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Pattern Recognition, Information Sciences, Signal Processing, ISCAS, ICME and ICIP.





联系方式:[jianmuwei AT ouc.edu.cn] or [jianmuweihk AT 163.com]


代表性国际期刊论文(Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals):

[J1] Muwei Jian, Kin-Man Lam, Junyu Dong, Linlin Shen, Visual-Patch-Attention- Aware Saliency Detection. IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, 45 (8): 1575-1586, 2015. (IF: 11.448, Citation: 147 times in Google Scholar)

[J2] Muwei Jian, Junyu Dong, M. Gong, et al., Learning the Traditional Art of Chinese Calligraphy via Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 22 (4), pp, 970-979, 2020. (IF: 6.513,Citation: 16)

[J3] Muwei Jian, Kin-Man Lam, Simultaneous Hallucination and Recognition of Low- Resolution Faces Based on Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, 25(11), pp. 1761-1772, 2015. (IF: 4.685, Citation: 120)

[J4] Muwei Jian, Kin-Man Lam, Junyu Dong, A Novel Face-Hallucination Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, 46 (11), 3091-3102, 2013. (IF: 7.740, Citation: 54)

[J5] Muwei Jian, Kin-Man Lam, Junyu Dong, Facial-Feature Detection and Localization Based on a Hierarchical Scheme, Information Sciences, 262, 1-14, 2014. (IF: 6.795, Citation: 68)

[J6] Muwei Jian, Jiaojin Wang, Hui Yu, Gaige Wang, Integrating object proposal with attention networks for video saliency detection, Information Sciences, 2021, 576, pp. 819–830. (IF: 6.795)

[J7] Muwei Jian, Jing Wang, Hui Yu, et al., Visual saliency detection by integrating spatial position prior of object with background cues. Expert Syst. Appl., 168: 114219, 2021. (IF: 6.954,Citation: 16)

[J8] Muwei Jian, Kin-Man Lam, Junyu Dong, Illumination-insensitive Texture Discrimination Based on Illumination Compensation and Enhancement, Information Sciences, 269, pp. 60-72, 2014. (IF: 6.795, Citation: 45)

[J9] Muwei Jian, et al., Multi-view face hallucination using SVD and a mapping model, Information Sciences, 488, 181-189, 2019. (IF: 6.795, Citation: 15)

[J10] Muwei Jian, et al., Comprehensive Assessment of Non-uniform Illumination for 3D Heightmap Reconstruction in Outdoor Environments, Computers in Industry, 99, 110-118, 2018. (IF: 7.635, Citation: 23)

[J11] Muwei Jian et al., A fast self-adaptive method for correcting non-uniform illumination for 3D reconstruction, Computers in Industry, 64 (9), 1229-1236, 2013. (IF: 7.635)

[J12] Muwei Jian, et al., The extended marine underwater environment database and baseline evaluations, Applied Soft Computing, 80, pp. 425-437, 2019. (IF: 6.725,Citation: 29)

[J13] Muwei Jian, Qiang Qi, Junyu Dong, et al., Integrating QDWD with pattern distinctness and local contrast for underwater saliency detection. J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 53: 31-41, 2018. (IF: 2.259,Citation: 67, Most Cited Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Articles)

[J14] Muwei Jian, et al., Assessment of Feature Fusion Strategies in Visual Attention Mechanism for Saliency Detection, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018. (IF: 2.81)

[J15] Muwei Jian, et al., Saliency detection based on directional patches extraction and principal local color contrast. J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 57: 1-11, 2018. (IF: 2.259, Citation: 44, Most Cited Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Articles)

[J16] Muwei Jian, Runxia Zhao, et al., Saliency detection based on background seeds by object proposals and extended random walk. J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 57: 202-211, 2018.

[J17] Muwei Jian, Kin-Man Lam, Face-Image Retrieval Based on Singular Values and Potential-Field Representation, Signal Processing, 100, 9-15, 2014. (IF: 4.086, Citation: 39)

[J18] Muwei Jian, Xiangyu Liu, et al., Underwater image processing and analysis: A review. Signal Process. Image Commun. 91: 116088, (2021). (IF: 3.256, Citation: 16)

[J19] Yakun Ju, Muwei Jian et al. "Incorporating lambertian priors into surface normals measurement." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, (2021): 1-13.

[J20] Yifan Xia, Hui Yu, Xiao Wang, Muwei Jian, Fei-Yue Wang, (2021). Relation-Aware Facial Expression Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 10.1109/TCDS.2021.3100131.
